Brain Metrics & Brain Health

Neurosteer complements traditional assessments of your physical health with an innovative assessment of your brain health.

Neurosteer complements a variety of therapeutic technologies

During your annual physical at the general practitioner’s office, clinicians take your blood, check your blood pressure, respiratory function, heart rate, body temperature and weight, and often perform a cardiac stress test to measure the overall performance and health of your heart.

What’s been historically missing from your visits to the physician’s office is a brain metrics assessment that can be used by your physician to develop recommendations to help maintain your brain health.

Until now…

Neurosteer’s innovative brain monitor is a medical-grade single-channel EEG that has been FDA cleared for use in a physician’s office. It can be used to assist the physician in making neurological diagnoses related to brain activity.

Neurosteer’s 15-minute brain metrics assessment involves a series of auditory prompts that provide various cognitive challenges during monitoring that are correlated with brain activity response. The results of your brain metrics assessment can be used by the physician to develop recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

In the doctor's office, Neurosteer’s brain monitor can be used not only on a standalone basis for brain metrics assessment, but also to complement other initiatives such as physical exercise, improved nutrition, meditation and other forms of relaxation, and neurofeedback.

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