Neurosteer Wins Roche Alzheimer’s Innovation Challenge

Roche & Startup Nation Central • July 14, 2022

And the winner in Roche and SNC’s Alzheimer’s Innovation Challenge is… Neurosteer, who has developed a solution designed for the early detection of a variety of neurological disorders. The solution aims to bring EEG tests to the patient’s home with a wearable device and a cloud-based system that together provide real-time monitoring and assessment of brain activity. The wearable, attached to the patient’s forehead, monitors cognitive and emotional activities. The information is gathered in the cloud, where it is being processed and assessed using AI and machine learning techniques. The insights are relayed to the patient and the care-giver in the form of neuro-feedback or alerts.

Neurosteer was one of 5 finalists in the challenge and will receive a prize of 100K NIS, a System Check (EU solution readiness check) by RoX Health, and mentorship with medical and business experts.

The challenge was launched by Roche and Start-Up Nation Central with the vision of enhanced digital health support for Alzheimer’s disease patients and their caregivers. The aim was to identify innovative solutions that will make a difference in patients’ lives.

Congratulations to the winning team!

– Startup Nation Central on behalf of Roche


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